Friday, July 26, 2013

REvive Vitality Drink Review

Have you ever needed an afternoon pick me up and turned to one of those energy shots? Guilty as charged over here. I chugged those things every time I had to drive to and from LA from Davis back in my college days. The problem with those things are 1) They taste pretty terrible and 2) You crash later. 

Wouldn't you much prefer something that tastes great, doesn't make you crash later and is made with REAL ingredients? REvive is what you've been looking for. It's a 2.5 oz. vitality shot made with 21 super fruits, packed with antioxidants, green tea, vitamins and all that good stuff that's naturally found in fruit. Some of these many super fruits include mangosteen, goji, elderberry and prickly pear; definitely not ingredients you see in your average product let alone energy boost. What I love most about the RE products besides how they're 100% real is that with continued use they actually help your body with the antioxidants and natural nutrients!

I chugged one of these REvive shots last week while I was enduring the madness known as Comic Con. In case you didn't know, Comic Con isn't so much a vacation so much as it is a nerd's ultimate mission. I only slept about 4-5 hours a night, stood in lines for hours and crashed out as soon as I got back to my hotel. The REvive shot definitely proved to be a pick me up!

The smell almost reminded me of fruit leather I used to eat as a kid. It smelled like almost like grape but definitely like a blend of aromatics. My first sip surprised me as it wasn't sickeningly sweet like other energy drinks I usually have. It was a balance of sweet and sour but not bitter and didn't taste chemically. The pulpy nature of the drink definitely surprised me! I knew REvive was made with all these fruits but I didn't expect the puree to still have some mouthfeel, it was a shock at first but I enjoyed it. It reminded me of a less pulpy orange juice. 

Personally, I'll definitely try these again. I don't feel like I'm drinking chemicals with REvive, I feel almost healthier using these vitality shots since I'm getting a ton of fruits I might not have daily otherwise. RE also makes a larger version of REvive called REvitalize, think of it as the bulk version of REvive. The bottle has 16 servings of the 2 oz. daily you need to feel great everyday! 

To try REvive and REvitalize for yourself head on over to, you can find them on Amazon! RE products are also available at your local specialty grocery store such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, Bristol Farms and the Vitamin Shoppe!
twitter: @drinkRE

***Disclaimer: These product were provided to me for review, I am not being compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.***


Best Nursing Assignment Help said...

I can totally relate to the energy shot struggles during those long college road trips! REvive sounds like a refreshing and healthier alternative. The fact that it's made with real ingredients is a game-changer, and your experience at Comic Con makes it even more appealing. I'll definitely be checking this out. Thanks for the great recommendation!

Amelia John said...

Hey, there! Thank you for your review of Revive Vitality Drink. It's usually beneficial to learn about other people's experiences before trying a new product. I'm presently researching primary education dissertation topics , so if you have any insights or recommendations, I'd love to hear them!